Athlete Advisory Committee Elections

The AAC elections will take place during May and be decided by athletes, for the very first time. This is an important and positive step, consistent with the CGF’s strategy to place Athletes at the heart of
Commonwealth Sport.

A resolution was passed by the CGAs at the recent AGM in Singapore that allowed the AAC Chair, Brendan Williams to be elected by the AAC in line with their Terms of Reference. The rest of the AAC (6 x Regional Representatives and Para Representative) now need to be elected. This new process will be decided by the Commonwealth Games Association’s (CGAs) Athlete Representative Body (ARB) who will vote for the  Athlete Representatives from their respective region as well as electing a Para Representatives.

The election is being run in accordance with the CGF’s Elections Policy, adapted as appropriate. Each ARB is entitled to one vote for their Regional Representative and one vote for the Para Representative. The voting process has been communicated to all ARBs by the CGF's Athlete Strategy and Engagement Manager.  

The nominees from each region and the nominees for the position of Para representative are listed below. Their one page summary outlining their biography and motivation for the position is also provided.

12:08 BST
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