CGF President, Dame Louise Martin and CEO Katie Sadleir, and delegates from the 72 CGAs have been welcomed to Singapore by Chris Chan, Secretary General of Commonwealth Games Association Singapore.

The General Assembly gathers together the Commonwealth Games Federation’s members to review activity, drive progress and inspire change. This year’s meeting will include interactive workshops and presentations, as well as strategic activity updates. It will be Dame Louise’s last as President after completing two terms, with the outcome of the election for her successor to be announced on Wednesday 15 November.

Katie Sadleir, CEO of the Commonwealth Games Federation, said: "This General Assembly promises to be a transformative moment for the Federation as we come together to share ideas and plan for the future of the Movement.

“I would also like to thank Dame Louise Martin, who has given almost 25 years of service to the Federation, including eight years as President. After being elected as the first female to the Board in 1999, her time at the Federation has been marked by unwavering dedication to the Commonwealth Sport Movement. She has been the driving force behind a number of notable successes for the CGF, including the establishment of the Commonwealth Youth Games.”

Dame Louise Martin, President of the Commonwealth Games Federation, remarked: "Over the years, we have strived to create a platform that unites nations and empowers communities, inspiring athletes all over the Commonwealth and transforming lives through sport. As I step down from my role, I am filled with immense pride for all that we have achieved together. I will dearly miss the role I have cherished over the last eight years, but I am confident that new leaders will carry forward our legacy of unity, diversity and equality.

Caption: President Dame Louise Martin, Commonwealth Games Federation CEO Katie Sadleir and Chris Chan, Secretary General of Commonwealth Games Association Singapore pose for a photo during an official visit to the Singapore National Gymnasts team training ahead of the Commonwealth Games Federation General Assembly at Bishan Sports Hall on 13 November 2023 in Singapore. Photo by Annice Lyn/Getty Images for the Commonwealth Games Federation